Quilts for Sale

Monday, December 31, 2012

Picnic starts the year off!

Plan to join our modern quilt book giveaway...Picnic is here!!!  We've added it to our retail Pattern Shop and to our Wholesale Information.  Picnic has 38 full color interior pages.  It retails for just $19.95.  Let us know if you have any other questions for us.
Picnic Tartin
Now that we have actual copies we can start planning our fun giveaways.  Since many are busy with holiday activities we will start the contest next week, Tuesday January 8th.  Pass the word on please.

Here are some photos showing a bit more of Picnic.


Sample Block Instructions
Sample Technique Diagrams

Peek at Picnic!

See you Tuesday...hope you win a copy.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Simple modern baby quilt featured!

Marny here...
I know it isn't Tuesday, our regular blogging day, but we've got something to tell you!
We are pleased to share some publication news!
We have a simple modern baby quilt in the current issue of McCall's Quick Quilts.  "Off the Grid" uses just three fabrics, and goes together very quickly.  It fits in well with the Quick Quilts concept of the magazine.  The woven effect of the aqua and orange on the dotted background adds a level of visual complexity without additional work.

The cover of McCall's Quick Quilts "Off the Grid" appears in.

Take a look here to see the "Off the Grid" feature page.  
Busy times here.  Picnic is due to arrive this week and then the shipping begins.  We'll be putting the retail and wholesale information in shortly.

May you all stay warm and safe with friends and family this holiday season.  Thank you for your support throughout the year!  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Picnic, our new book filled with modern quilts!!!

Marny here...

Picnic's front cover.  In keeping with our modern aesthetic, even the cover is asymmetric (although the white on white makes that a bit difficult to see).
The Picnic quilt is a sampler of six modern blocks.

Picnic is on its way!  We are thrilled with how it looks and can't wait to start shipping and sharing it with you all.  There were several hiccups along the way, but we couldn't be happier with the end product. 

You'll notice we have a tab in the bar above designated to Picnic.  Helpful content will be added once the book actually starts shipping.  We've been told we will have it by the end of this month.  Talk about a New Year's project...we resolve to start shipping by December 31st.  Keeping fingers crossed.

Picnic's back cover.  Each block is featured in two projects! 
We are so very pleased to present Picnic.  
  • Six Modern Blocks
  • Block of the Month Compatible
  • Multiple Projects
  • Design Discussions
  • Unique techniques for cutting and piecing parallelograms
  • Detailed diagrams
  • Full color
  • 38 page soft cover book
  • Retails for $19.95
We'll be telling the story behind Picnic and all the helpful people involved throughout the month of January.  We will also be giving away copies of the book throughout the month!  Check back to enter!!!!  Pass the word along...

Instead of Tuesday, lets meet Monday instead. 


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Quick gift idea is an eye opener!

jill here...The holidays are here again.  My little Christmas craft group met early and I had to come up with an idea that was easy......we talk a lot!  Perhaps some of you younger quilters don't need glasses on a daily basis but for sure, your sun glasses need a special home.  So here is a cute essential to carry and protect your glasses.

This project uses felted wool.  It's dense but soft on the inside and easy to sew through.
Cut a 16 "X 5" rectangle.   Trim out the corners of one end 2" down and 1" across.  This leaves an end  flap of 3 " across and 2" deep.  
Cut away the  corners of one end
Looks like this after  trimming.

Now is the time to embellish the outside.  There are endless possibilities with buttons, thread, wool scraps!

I added a trim strip of houndstooth, 1.5 " X 16". I stabilized it with a light weight fusible bond and pressed it on the front side of the fabric.  I placed it asymmetrically but it can go however you desire. Trim to meet the ends.
With a blanket stitch, the edge was overcast.  The machine (a Viking) was set at a stitch width of 6 x 3 length.  Only do the sides of the strip, not the ends.
Red thread was chosen for contrast.

Fold the strip in half with the flap coming over the end.  Gently press to identify landmarks.  Cut 1" X 1.5" pieces of loop and hook tape for your closures and sew one piece to the upper end, right side.  Sew the other piece to the underside of the flap, where they meet.
Use a regular stitch, close to the edge of the loop and hook piece.

Finish the non flap end with a blanket stitch, locking the threads. Press the 1" sides (these are the gussets) to the inside of the wool. (Don't press the closure tape or you'll melt it.  Did that once!)

With the gussets folded in and even with the flap, stitch the entire perimeter of the wool with a blanket stitch.  Lock your stitches.

This is an inside view: the gusset ends are free,
stitched 1" down on the fold.

Keeping the case inside out, fold at the bottom with the flap extended. Pull the sides of the gussets out to meet the edges and pin both sides.  Sew both sides with a straight stitch close to the edge.
Turn right side out. 

I added a red button and called it good.

Hope your season is a merry one.  'Til next week....

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Phone Fabric from Spoonflower

jill here....Picnic is inching it's way closer to the printers!

Meanwhile, our friend Jane supplied us quilts that she is almost ready to send off to lucky recipients!  Cheddar, No Crackers is the pattern: perfect to feature her carefully selected "telephone " fabric from Spoonflower.
Jane chose the dark grey background to let the fabrics pop.

These phones actually had cords.
My haven't we come along way!
Cell phones have made it into the picture.
Check out the very abstract quilting.
Jane with her B and B made totally from leftovers.
It's so exciting to use those pieces in a fun way.

Next week I'll have a tutorial of a very useful holiday gift.  Now that its 60 outside I should go for a walk.  'Till then..