Quilts for Sale

Monday, December 31, 2012

Picnic starts the year off!

Plan to join our modern quilt book giveaway...Picnic is here!!!  We've added it to our retail Pattern Shop and to our Wholesale Information.  Picnic has 38 full color interior pages.  It retails for just $19.95.  Let us know if you have any other questions for us.
Picnic Tartin
Now that we have actual copies we can start planning our fun giveaways.  Since many are busy with holiday activities we will start the contest next week, Tuesday January 8th.  Pass the word on please.

Here are some photos showing a bit more of Picnic.


Sample Block Instructions
Sample Technique Diagrams

Peek at Picnic!

See you Tuesday...hope you win a copy.


  1. What an accomplishment! Exciting! Congratulations! Starting out 2013 with a bang!!

  2. Thanks, Lois. We truly appreciate your support and enthusiasm. And even tho is doesn't seem like a picnic outside, it can be in your sewing room! jill

  3. Congratulations! Can't wait to get a copy!

  4. Just love following your adventures in quilting ...

  5. I've been waiting forever for this book, and I don't seem to be able to get the button to work to put it in the cart. I can get all the others to work, but not Picnic.

    I'll check again later, ok?

    1. Thanks for the heads up. I will look into fixing the button!!

    2. The button is now working!! Thanks again for taking the time to let us know.

  6. What a pretty book. Can't wait to see it in person. Best of luck in 2013!

  7. What a sense of accomplishment you must have when your book is published. As a former reading consultant, I love books. Probably why I don't have a Nook or Kindle!!.


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