Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The Value of Trial and Error

jill here...thanks again for all your thoughtful comments.  We appreciate them and know they will be helpful in our teaching endeavors.

Are you staying warm?  At least here in Iowa there is exciting basketball to view ....and the never ending TV sports venue of football championships,  a little Aussie tennis and way too much in the political arena. Glad for the days getting longer.

In preparation for our upcoming workshops, I'm working on some samples.  I showed you an earlier struggle and today I have another challenge.  I promise I will follow up with both solutions after our DSM presentation.  Working through the constraints will make me a better teacher!  Right?

For the transparency workshop, we're going to make a table topper from the book's Crispy Wonton block pattern. I need 5 solid values and a background.  Seems like my selection of greens is the largest so a good starting point.

 Six solid values plus a dark green background.

Auditioning six values on a print that are
perfectly coordinated with the values.

Too much competition for the focus blocks.

Now it's seven values on a black background.

.....on a white/black graphic nondirectional print

....on a small grey houndstooth print

...on a light nondirectional text print

I decided on the houndstooth print and subtracted
the two values that are pulled up.
They seemed too close in value to the others.

The ultimate decision!

Yes, ombre fabric can work very well!
This McKenna Ryan fabric seems to
represent four values

First attempt with transparency overlap.

Different arrangement with the same blocks.
Seems a bit confusing.  Have to work on it.
 A photo is very helpful.

....I'll keep you posted. 'Till next Tuesday...

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